Wednesday, November 29, 2006

bah ______ humbug


3 new kids in the Newborn Misery Album and 1 new kid in the Rated R “you must be this tall to ride” album.

I have a few more to put up soon but im still trying to remember how to use a mac (my laptop is in for repairs :( )

I have some ideas for Christmas cards but I don’t have enough funds to buy the supplies needed. So be prepared to purchase some sweet Holiday cards next year :)

Don’t forget, the miserykids love you!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Don’t buy crappy watercolor paper…

Ok so uuuupdate.

Lets see….3 new kids up in the “newborn misery gallery”. Most of them will probably be moved to the “terribly drawn misery” because my thriftiness turned out to be a very bad idea. Water Color Lesson #1 ….:do not buy cheap water color paper it makes your paintings look like crap.

In other awesome news:

I sent out emails to my internet artist heros (Jason Sho Green, Andrew Bell and Sam Brown) whom I linked to on the Favorite links page, just letting them know that I put their links on my page. I also had a long time ago sent 2 of them copies of the “oh the irony” books.

Jason wrote back saying:

“Yeha I remember the book - thanks for it! its sitting on my bookshelf. also thanks for the link - i'll link you back when i redesign my website (hopefully next month...)”


And Andrew said:

“Thanks for the link Teneisha, good luck on your own site! Glad I could be of some inspiration! Cheers”


Yet to hear back from Sam Brown… but thats ok cause I know he just had a baby, so we can forgive him right?

I’ve had some people ask me about prints for sale…guess I need to find someone knowledgeable in that area…So, start saving your pennies for future miserykids purchases!